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Learn to Skate & Learn to Play Hockey

Looking to get your child into skating and/or introduce them to the game of hockey? Register them today for one of our Learn to Skate or Learn to Play Programs! Our programs run for 10 weeks, Saturday mornings at Skate 3 Arena in Tyngsboro, MA.


Learn to Skate ages 3-9

Learn to Play ages 5-9


Session 1: October 19 - December 21, 2024

Session 2: January 4 - March 8, 2025


Learn to Skate: 8:20 AM - 9:10 AM

Learn to Play: 8:50 AM - 9:40 AM



$250 for 10 week session

You can register after a session has already started for a pro-rated cost!

Learn to Skate

Here we will go over the very basics of skating including balance, getting up from falls. Players will progress to simple strides and utilizing their skate edges. Progressing on to feeling comfortable accelerating and stopping on their own and utilizing both inside and outside edges to navigate their way around the ice. 


Learn to Play

Here we will work on general hockey skills. We focus on the basics of passing, stickhandling, shooting, forward to backward skating, and confidence in skating with a puck on their stick. We recommend all players go through a learn to skate session or are comfortable on their own before signing up for our Learn to Play Program. Full hockey gear is required.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the rink!

Register Today for Learn to Skate or Learn to Play

Click the registration link below to sign up for our upcoming session!


*If the program has already started, the price will auto pro-rate when you go to register.