Register Early and Save 10% With Loyalty Discount Code
Note: We have limited openings for current Fall leagues. Contact us for details.
After you register for your first of the two leagues, send us an email to receive your unique 20% discount code off your second league!
*Cannot be combined with any previous credits, discounts, or other coupons.
Registration For Winter 2025 Leagues Is Now Open
Register Early and Save 10% With Loyalty Discount Code
Please Note: Discount does not apply to Clinics
Boxborough, MA Novice League: Tuesday Evenings at Nashoba Valley Olympia. This league is designed for the low novice player (D Level) or those who are very new to the game. Game time approximately 8:50 & 10:10 PM. Winter League 01/14/25 - 04/28/25 - 16 weeks $490.
Hooksett, NH C/D League: Sunday Evenings at the Ice Den. A league designed for players (C/D Level) and others with more experience who are looking for less intense competition. Game times approximately 7:10 and 8:20 pm. Winter League 01/05/25 - 05/04/25 - 16 games $480.
Nashua, NH Novice League: Thursday Evenings at Conway Arena. A league designed for players (C/D Level) and others with more experience who are looking for less intense competition. Game times typically 8:10, 9:20, & 10:30 pm. Winter League 01/02/25 - 05/01/25 - 16 games $490.
Newton/Wellesley Novice/Intermediate League: Winter Season Wednesday and Thursday evenings at The Fessenden Rink. We have two leagues at this location divided by levels. Our Upper C League players on Wednesdays and our Lower D League played on Thursdays. Game times typically 9:00 & 10:10 pm. Winter League 01/07/25 - 04/17/25 - 15 games $490.
Tyngsboro 40+ League: Sunday Evenings at Skate 3 Pavilion for players 40+. It is a novice/intermediate mix played on Sunday nights. Game times 7:20 and 8:30 pm. Winter League 01/05/25 - 05/04/25. 16 Games $490
Woburn D League: Monday Evenings at O'Brien Arena. Note: During offseason Woburn rink closure, many games will be played at The Edge in Bedford, MA. This league is designed for the low novice player (D Level) or those who are very new to the game. Game times 9:00 & 10:20 pm. Winter League 01/06/25 - 04/21/25 - 16 games $490.
For information, schedules and much more, use the tabs above